Everything started with my hunter education.
Here you will find all that is related to hunting.

Press releases
From time to time articles about our hunting activities were published in different hunting magazines.
Choose this section to read the articles.
Article in Wildlife Journal, New Hampshire
The Fish / Game Department, NH published an article in the November / December edition of the Wilflife Journal about leashed dog tracking in NH.
We tracked there for 2 years and had a real great time being in the outdoors with NH´s hunters.
If you have any questions feel free to contact us any time
Link to the article.
Article “modern muzzleloader” published in hunting magazine
In the German hunting magazine “Pirsch” Volume 21/ 2013 I published an article about hunting with modern muzzleloaders. To read the article please click here: Moderne_Vorderlader Pirsch 21 2013

Tracking is more than just using a dog to find a dead deer. Everything about dog tracking you will find here.